Monday, 16 November 2009

wave to google

On Friday night, I opened my email and lo and behold, I had an invitation to preview Google Wave! Never thought I'd received one because I didn't get an invitation when Google first let it out into the world a few weeks ago.

Don't know what the fuss is all about? Well, I'm not gonna explain it to you. Haha. Read about Google Wave here. There's a (really really) long video about it. There's also some stuff written about it in Google's blog here.

Already craving for one? Request an invitation from Google here, or to my friends and family, you can ask me nicely for one. I have a few more invites to give. Taraa for now (wave!).

Friday, 6 November 2009


bersawangnya blog ni!

It's been quite a while since I added an entry to this blog. I do have ideas sometimes but just too busy (or too lazy) to construct sentences to release them into the world.

That's all for now. Cheerio!