Sunday 27 January 2008

cheesecake 1.0 beta

theme: precious peach

my preciousssss

Sorry for the lame theme. Haha. So I've finally made a cheesecake yesterday. I wanted to make a pineapple cheesecake, but Hanafi said he didn't like pineapple, so I went for peach instead.

I had two recipes to choose from. One from Zeehan, which I had obtained quite a long time ago, and the other from the book Nigella Express. I decided to mainly use Zeehan's recipe, but I also had a look at the other one. So it was a little bit of mix and match. Konon terer la nk ikut resepi suka2 hati. Hehe.

The verdict:
  • Rasa cheese kurang
  • Rasa almond extract lagi kuat daripada cheese
  • Rasa peach lagi kuat daripada cheese
So somehow the almond extract 'overpowered' the cheese, even though I only used 1 teaspoonful. I'll try using less next time. So what flavour should I make next? Hmm..
paradise and takedown
Pear bought Burnout Paradise (Burnout 5) yesterday, because we (Pear, Hairy, me and some occasional help from Ammir) have already completed most of Burnout Takedown (Burnout 3). Well, Hairy and Pear were the ones who completed most of the events, to be honest.

It turns out that Burnout 5 is a 1-player game, so we can't play Takedown against each other. Boohoo. But the graphic is great. Lawa gila. It's a bit different from Burnout 3, but eventually we did enjoy it.

Just yesterday, we upgraded from Class E to D to C to B in the game. That's a lot of events completed, in just 1 day. Dah la kerja banyak sebenarnya ni. Haih.

And Afied is currently in London with her friends. They came by my house last night. Faizal was also here. And they didn't play Burnout like Kesum and Anum, but they watched a movie instead, Flushed Away, a computer animated British film.

"Dah datang London, kena la tengok movie yang based kat London." - Faizal.

tired eyes after a long day sightseeing in london

And today, we had a friendly football game at Regent's Park. IC vs Westminster. During the game, I felt a mild strain in my right thigh. Damn, should've done my stretching longer. It still feels lain macam now, but should be ok by tomorrow.

(And FINALLY I have my jersey back.)

Oh wait, it must heal by tomorrow, because I want to go to the Linkin Park concert with a healthy leg. Macam laa nk lompat2 masa konsert. Heh.


  1. Dengki sungguh melihat korang main Burnout Paradise tuh... nampaknya kena beli PSP sebijik nih... Argh geram geram!

  2. hmm.. 1tsp almond extract tu byk sgt rs nyer..hehe.. + did i tell u the cream cheese suppose to be x2bars.. i think i did :D tp tgk gmbr tu nmpk cam not bad je rupa dia.. wpun peach tu cam almost half of the cheesecake boleh la kot kan.. utk 1st try.. eh lupa lak 2nd kan..hehe.. takpe2.. truskan m'cuba..! hehe..

  3. wah wah, letak gamba cheesecake kt blog seyh. i pun nk letak gmba trifle kat the juice jgk laa he he.

    pastu, selamat bergembira kt concert!!! nyanyi + jerit + lompat puas-puas. then concentrate on your fyp dan projek2 yg lain. ((jangan asek nak main game je))


  4. matlut:
    beli jgn x beli. hehe. tp dia lain skit. ko kena drive to tempat2 yg ade events baru boleh main. xde menu.

    cik zee:
    oo 1 teaspoon pun byk ke. cheese mmg taruk 2 bar = 400g. so maybe sebab almond extract tu la kot. and topping kena taruk sikit je ke. hehehe. eh ni 1st try la, bkn 2nd. and thanks! akan dicuba lg. hehe

    sila2 taruk. eh dh taruk dh pun. hehe. thanks, i akan berseronok kt concert. and blk rmh je terus buat fyp (ye la tu). and kurangkn main game. hehehe

  5. byk la jugak.. besa guna 2-3 drops je.. kalo vanilla essence t'lebih ok lg..sbb bau dia mild n sedap (at least for me..hehe. tp Almond extract mmg strong la rs/bau dia.. topping ikut org la nk letak byk mn.. tp pndai2 la balance :D dah nama pun nak buat cheesecake kan..bukan topping b'flavorkan cheese.. make sense tak? tak kisah la.. hehe..

  6. hurmm...ur loyal stalker here! hahah...
    xnk comment about cheesecake! cuz definitely tak SODAP! booo hoo!

    nak comment about BURNOUT paradise je sbb aku n anum ARE yet and so far,UNBEATABLE challengers!!(plus, cheesecake bkn our expertise) hahah...korg jgn mimpi ah nk beli burnout 6 lak! cuz korg still xleh kalahkn kitrg smpi BEBILA pun! *tell hairy too?!* *and Pear juga*

  7. cik zee:
    oho 2-3 drops je ke.. xpe2, next time taruk sikit je. xpun, guna vanila. and it does make sense. hehe..

    unbeatable? hmmm... kalau anum yg ckp, bola la kasi can. tapi kau.. yg main smbil badan gerak2 skali ngan game pad. hmmm.. haha. lek dlu, burnout 6 blom wujud lg. burnout 4 kitorg x try lg, trus lompat ke burnout 5. and thanks for being loyal. ehe..


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