Wednesday 13 February 2008

cheesecake 1.2 and friends

theme: outrageous oreo

o o oreo

Yes, I know. It's a ripoff from F&N's Outrageous Orange. But who cares anyway.

I made this during the weekend. I didn't have enough oreos actually, so I used chocolate digestives as the base instead of oreos. And thanks Ammir for the oreos.

Dah la ada sikit je oreo, pastu ada la 2 org ni, Faizal and Hanafi (bukan nama sebenar), pegi ambik oreo and makan. Haih.

I had guests during the weekend, Hairel and Fawwaz, friends from Kusess and their friend Ikhwan. They said it tasted ok. In my opinion, it was ok but lacked the taste of oreo a little. Hmm.. I wonder why.

Hanafi (nama sebenar) also made one last week. He made a peanut butter and chocolate cheesecake. It's the one on the left. It looks delicious but did it taste good? Hmmm.. hehe jgn marah Hanafi. Sedap2.

And Wan Aimran and Ammir also made one. It was a new york cheesecake. Nama bukan main lagi. But I must say it was delicious. They made the kind that needed to be baked.

I didn't bake mine, so it was quite easy really. The new york cheesecake is the one on the right.

I'm thinking of making one that needs to be baked, but not in the near future. Asyik buat cheesecake je, kena la try benda lain pulak kan. So what should it be?


  1. wow, kagum aku. semangat buat kek...
    boleh buka kedai kek satu kat London

  2. omg bdk2 laki ni... (kalah saya)

  3. omg fadhli. yg hasnah tu account mak la, lupa nak sign out. it was me who commented..

  4. Huiyoo...Fathlai buat kek..Weh, ape kate ko publish pulak resepi2 istimewa korang tu...Leh gak la aku try~~ Amacam??

  5. matlut:
    kalau bukak kedai kek, sure xlaku punye. hehe.

    nina (or should i say pn hasnah?):
    penat sgt3 ke smpai x prasan it wasn't your account? ehe.

    hmm siapakah anda? kalau kasi nama, boleh aku emel je terus resepi tu.

  6. hahahaha mak mertua pon bangga dpt menantu mcm ni. boleh letak link blog anda dekat my blog?

  7. apa lagi... bolehlah jadikan ni aktiviti riadah mingguan... dan sebab untuk berjumpa dan bersama-sama ;-P

  8. aqie:
    hehe. bole2. saya pun ltk link blog anda at my blog k.

    wan aimran:
    bole2. tp this week mls nk buat pape la. nk gi riadah yg lain. ehe.

  9. hehe sila2...
    minggu ni sewajarnya digunakan untuk bertapa demi mendapatkan ilham mengenai apa yg harus dimasak pada minggu seterusnya...;-)

  10. bertapa? mls je sbnrnya. heh

  11. Wah Fadley ... Xsangke aku ko ade bakat terpendam ... Nice nice.

  12. ammir:
    kena tulis nama sebenar, takut hanafi merajuk pulak aku x kredit dia for his cheesecake. hehe.

    ni sapa eh? syazwan ke? ni bkn bakat. kek biasa2 je. ehe.

  13. fadli...aku nak resepi..nyamie nye..
    mane ko belaja ni?aku pon nak jugak...


Please, feel free to comment. Or criticize or laugh at me or laugh with me or complain or argue or cry or agree or disagree or... Ok, you get what I mean. Oh I'd really appreciate it if there's no anonymity. And don't forget, milk is good for your health!