Friday 22 February 2008

symbiosis software ltd

“Hello. I’m Muhammad Fadhli Mustaffa. You called me on Friday, but I couldn’t answer your call because I was busy.”
“Hold on Muhammad. Let me get your file.”
“So how do you think you did during the Assessment Day?”
“I think I did okay.”
“Good. Well, the good news is you did really well.”
“(Hmm.. kalau ada good news, mesti ada bad news.. the bad news is we had too many qualified candidates, and I’m afraid your application isn’t successful…? ) Okay.”
“And I’m pleased to say that we’re offering you the job.”
“(Yes!!!) Thank you! Thank you.”

A few days later…

“Fadhli, parcel ko dah sampai.”
“Aku ingatkan videocam aku yang sampai tadi. Tengok2 parcel untuk kau.”
“Aku x order pun apa2. Eh written job offer sampai dalam kotak ke?”
“Bukak la tengok.”
“(Opening...) Yup. Offer.”
“Ada casing kecik lagi dlm tu. Mcm case laptop.”
“Ehe ada bag jugak.”

To the other companies, thank you for your interest, but I regret to inform you that I no longer wish to pursue the application process to your respective companies. I wish you all the best in your search for fresh qualified graduates!


  1. nice blog gak! i think i visited this site once dulu :) will link urs to mine as well.

    good luck in the working world :)

  2. thanks2! =)

    actually, i haven't finished my degree yet. still in my final year.

    insyaAllah i'll enter the working world in october.

  3. congratulations Padhly! man, if i were there, sure aku bawa ko celebrate the good news at BURGER KING! ....

    so start October?...

  4. wah gratz lah bro!!

  5. kesum:
    thanks! ok, next time dtg uk, belanja aku burger king eh. hehe.

    trimas saudara!

  6. congrates!! u deserve it. hehe told u ..sure dpt. then leh blanja kitorggggggg

  7. =)

    congrats! yeay fadhli dh dpt keje.

    selamat bekerja keras in october. (nanti baru u paham perasaan i ha ha pastu i tnye 'fadhli u penat?')

  8. izyan:
    thanks! tp korg2 yg dh start keja kena blanje kitorg yg belum lg dulu la. hehe.

    trima kasih sedara.

    tenkiu! =)
    yela2. lps ni i xde lg tny 'nina u penat?'.
    hehe =p


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