Monday 25 February 2008

house nite

Last Friday night, Flat 2 Chamberlain House residents (me, Hairy, Helmi, Hanafi, Pear) plus our usual guests (Ammir, Colin, Faizal) and Hanafi's friend, Dzul (or D-zul or however you want to spell it, I don't know hehe) went to Fulham Broadway to watch Jumper. It's a movie about teleportation, starring Hayden Christensen (that Star Wars guy) and Samuel L. Jackson.

Faizal arrived a bit late, so we left without him (Hanafi was late as well, but that's another story). When the movie finished, we were surprised to find that Faizal was seating behind us.

Eh, camne kau ada kat sini? Teleport eh?

Well, the movie had some good action sequences but the ending was terrible. The plot wasn't developed very well. Nevertheless, Pear brought along his new SLR camera, Nikon D-40, so a lot of nice photos were taken.

We then went back to the tube station to go back home. All except Faizal that is. He mysteriously went off on his own. Hmm.. he must've wanted to teleport somewhere where we couldn't see him.

colin and hanafi liked their photos very much

Back at home, we made chocolate peanut butter fudge, poured it on waffles and sprinkled almonds on it. Deeeeelicious!

Pear wasn't the only one who's invested on something new that week. Hairy bought a new camcorder, Everio GZ-MG36EK. He's already posted a couple of videos. Check out his first video about 2 clones and a cup here. Here's his second one, recorded while we were making the chocolate peanut butter fudge:

mari bersama mari bersama...

Maybe I shouldn't have posted this video, since the last part is quite embarrassing for me. Haha.

We then played Uno. Colin (usually an Uno victim) was really enjoying himself, especially when he finished early and when he successfully beat Hairy and me. If you want proof, just go ask Hairy for the recordings that night. You could hear Colin's laughs a mile away. Hehe jangan marah eh Colin.

Jom house nite lagi!


  1. hehe.cumel je korang buat house nite.smgt housemates.:) siap tgk movie n masak2 lagi. (n ade org clicking away w/ his new camera).
    bangga akak nigella, ade org gune recipe book dia.hehe.

  2. hahah next time u buat for all of us here in msia k. hahah looks so tempting n i miss ben&jerry nya ice creammmm. huhu

  3. addicted gila ko ngn baking or cooking~ ish..ish...aku tak start2 lagi

  4. fadhli ni degil, org ckp jgn tmbah peanut butter. (serious cukup) ha ha.

  5. ifi:
    hehe kitorg mmg semangat. oh ada org lain yg sibuk2 nk ambik gmbr guna kamera baru tu jugak, tp xnak beli sendiri. ehe.

    ok i buat. hehe ye la tu nk buat. nanti smpai msia, jadi malas. heh.

    ha ha ha.

    aku buat benda simple2 je. xde payah sgt pun. cepat la sikit start. hehe.

    kalau tmbh peanut butter, dia jadi lg sedap. (serious sedap) seriously.

  6. hahaha...gileer hebat ex-hsemates aku2 ni :P

    giler bes ade hse nite..

    apsl la time aku still kat sane x de xtvt2 menarik mcm ni eek ? :( soo saadd...

    apa2 pn truskn memasak :D

  7. hehe sori la firdaus. tiba2 thn ni smangat pulak.


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